The nine villages and towns located on the northeast mountain area of Kaohsiung City include Cishan, Neimen, Jiasian, Sanmin, Shanlin, Taoyuan, Meinong, Liouguei and Maolin, forming the scenic route with both natural landscapes, cultural and humanistic characteristics, which have become popular touring spots in recent years
Shanlin District is located in the northeast of Kaohsiung City, close to the core area of Cishan scenic route; at to its north is the town of taros, Jiasian; to the east is the Liouguei hot spring region, Meinong Hakka village and Maolin National Park; to the south is the border of Cishan and Neimen; and to the west is Tainan City. The entire township area is 124.094 square kilometers, and the National Route 21 passing through the south and north of the district is the major traffic artery to the outer regions. |